Tuesday, September 4, 2012


"I am not afraid of you," her voice came out as a whisper. Her words were honest. She did not even tremble as her smooth fingers reached for the rough paw of the wolf that stood before her.

She held no fear in her heart because she knew the truth.

"Come back to me."

A breeze rattled the empty branches of the dead trees, and hissed as it traveled through the long grass. White light from the moon revealed the wisdom in the woman's eyes and the sanity in the beast's. Cautiously, his heavy paw raised upwards to be embraced by hers.

Her green eyes met his yellow eyes. Hers were filled with hope, and his own held trust.

The hair began to disappear from his leg. The toes elongated into slender fingers. Claws shrank down into smooth stubs.

His body shivered as he sank to his knees. He did not meet her gaze. His hand fell limply to the ground as he hid his naked body in the shadows.

With one graceful movement, she knelt down in front of him.

Suddenly a cloak was draped over his bare shoulders.

"Welcome back."

Thursday, August 16, 2012

ageless moon

And so the old man glanced up at the sky. He whispered quietly to the night, "Why, oh why does it all have to end, my friend?" A hand wrinkled and twisted with age stretched upwards as if it were about to caress the pocketed surface of the moon.

Silence replied.

"Once upon a time I had the brilliance of the stars that shine around you," he continued while lost in his memories. A bristly mustache tickled his upper lip as the words flowed out of his mouth. Yet the sensation was so familiar, the old man hardly noticed it anymore.

Silence replied.

A cool breeze pulled at his coat, seeking an entrance inside. His dry lips stretched into a small smile. "It was short, was it not? If only I was ageless like you..." A soft sigh reached his elderly ears. Wisps of thin hair floated lazily, causing his scalp to itch. The darkness descended as the old man closed his eyes.

Yet again, Silence replied.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

trying to blend in...

Erik Lehnsherr: You want society to accept you, but you can't even accept yourself. 
X-Men: First Class

It's hard to believe that you are some one of immense beauty when the world corrupts the true meaning of the word. To them it's all about the size of your waist and the lack of fat. It's how perfect your hair is, and how full your lips are. If you do not live up to those expectations, then you are not beautiful. Or so they want you to think. Think for yourself. Stand up with confidence. The world does not know you and it does not own you. 

Accept yourself.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Let me explain...

I love looking at endless pictures of random things. Who doesn't? It's addicting and entertaining to the eyes. Some pictures inspire me to create my own images, and some even spark up story ideas. Yes. I am a writer as well. Definitely not the best of writers, but I try not to let that hinder me as my stories flow out of my brain and onto a word doc. This blog is going to be filled with my brain blurbs and images that I like. Probably no one will read this, and maybe no one will understand. But that's ok. It's for me.

Whoever sees this... Perhaps you can appreciate it. There's an artist in all of us. :)


What happened here? Who's winning? Weak and wounded, he knows he must stand up to fight. It's so hard to push back the fatigue, but if he doesn't, his failure will bring the consequences down not only upon himself, but everyone else that he cares about.